Skin healing 100% natural and easy!

By:Sigrid Ribbe HHP
Beautiful skin
Skin Treatments for acne, eczema, and other skin irritations.
Real healing , Rejuvenating, beautification & and amazing anti wrinkle effects can be a daily routine for you to have at all time a beautiful skin!
To treat the skin efficiently we need to work from 2 different directions!
clear all emotional blockages to set the self healing mechanism free
detoxification get ride of fungus and parasites who attacking the skin
all day long from inside and out….
Learn about a natural skin care /maintainance with organic health care and hygyne products.
Use chemical free bath soaps.. like natural Noni soap, Aloe vera soap, Coconut soaps with lemon grass..and so forth !
Always nurture your body with proper nutrients through natural oils
internal & external and a organic mostly raw diet more below.
Emotional connection to skin problem you should think about ....The skin is a border and shield to block and reject…or also receive. If there is and problem with this shield it need to be recognized and if the shield is to thick or to thin it need to be addressed !
Fear is and issue .. dis-trust is an issue and so on….
That we might not be able to let people come close to us anymore ??
Harmony Gardens offers solutions!
Most ailments are based on a psychological /emotional issue and can be cleared for life time of a new create and real happiness ... try our REB session...( 2.5 hourse /300 US )

Also the toxins from air, water, all things we paste unaware on your skin and the food you eat
creating an issue because the skin need to clean it all out again
..( specially when the colon is loaded /toxic waste matter or better called mucoid plaque !
Just google pictures of it and get aware what we all have inside of us!

How can our digestive system properly working when we have those leather like matters blocking our nutrient absorbtion ?
A beautiful Skin is nurtured through healthy and clean blood!
Is our medical system and corupted School education telling us the truth about what is the real cause of all ailment?
Thing ...what actually id teh real meaning of this word " Ail..ment "?
In the early day's we still knew that 3 time a year we all need to get ride of accumulated toxins and parasites feel clean and fresh all over again!
Allergic reaction are related to fungus which is hostaging our body and indicating the weakness of the border /shield !
So why is our border shield /protection weak…?
Why it looks dried out
why do I let it dying ...out ?…
Depressions and a clear case of bad eating habits and lack of selfflove /selfcare!
When we or our children are suffering with skin issue we need to ask ...
What am I trying to cover?
Who and what do I try to push away… ?
What do I need to get ride of?
Who I don’t like to come close to me anymore …and why ?
Many people emotionaly confused chidren have a problem to even get touched anymore … why not?

Many child hood issues which need to be released... we all deserve a happy life with out fear and resentment.
We all need to be able to love and receive love!
There is now way anymore to denial the connection of emotional issues to a physical issue and need to be first addressed befor we starte treating teh external areas.
Rule and a lot of money saving rule :
first always internal and the external !
Skin irritation... Rush ,Pimples ,eczema is a way for the body to detoxify.. when the colon are clogged (not absorbing ,half way digested food ...).or absorbing to much junk and chemicals !
Where are all the chemicals comming from ?(did you always read the labels … are you aware of what you are eating??
You have a daily intake of toxins…. So how can be cleansing ones a year be enough????
It is necessary to clean inside and outside on a daily base …( simple and easy by just eating the right cleansing food ) so the junk./toxins don’t accumulate on/in us … and a proper cleansing we recommend at leased every 6 months.
Internal :
We recommend 6 weeks colon cleansing with :
Healing Clays daily one teaspoon in the morning on a empty stomach in a glass of Spring water
Fiber shakes and foods on a daily base
Black caraway seeds or oil
1/2 teaspoon in your daily food ... salad or sandwich...
Or sprinkle the seeds in you soups and Vegetable wile cooking.
Lapacho Tea and Organic loose Green tea ( has incredible high amount of natural Vitamin C and E for the skin )when proper prepared heat sensitive !!
3 cups daily and switch it every 3 day’s …
ex: 3 Days lapache 3 days Green tea.
Colloidal silver (6 weeks)
2 tablespoon daily( morning/night) rebuild the flora and kill parasite’s Fungus and bacteria
Algae Tables with plant protein, Chlorophill for fresh blood and lot’s of amino acids to get ride of toxins in the whole body in no time.
Take at leased 3 time 5 =15 tabs ( 2 g)
Or 3 times 3 = 9 Tabs (5 g) daily !
(Author takes up to 30 gram daily for the last 10 years…)
Wheat grass powder Kamut
High amount of natural Calcium ( necessary for healthy skin) and plant protein to detox all chemicals , heavy metals and free radicals
washing of the skin only with Noni Soap ! Or organic liquid soap
Noni is full of life… it rejuvenate and clean the skin soft and gentle with a high amount of enzymes and coconut oil…for a fabulous rejuvenation/ anti aging effect
Our Body/skin and natural salt
Our body is made from salt and water … and we loosing salt every day not only through sweating….and detoxification.( crying and so on…
So we need to replenish the body all the times … you never wondered why we run around and have a graving for something salty …?
Important is now to refresh our body with the right salt ! The natural pure and unpolluted version of natural rock salt… best from the Himalaya Mountains where the Hunzas live over a 140 year with it and be strong and healthy … slim and work hard all life long….
The salt is available to use in your kitchen and also as a external treatment … to bath ( ones a week) or to just spray or rinse your skin.
This daily skin rinsing with Himalayan salt Brine solution 1/3 solution do miracles on your skin.
Healing clay mask to clean the skin ones a week make a mixture of green tea liquid and Himalayan salt brine 50/50 and clay powder (mask )and leave it for 30 minutes on the skin to dry out and wash of ...
Skin Healing Oils (special recipes available ) To Massage and replenish the skin... every morning after washing to moisturize the skin... and in the night before bed time again... the ingredients with heal, calm and refresh...and protect from early aging… because of the high amount of natural enzymes and Vitamin E found in :
Black Caraway seed oil 100% (to heal wounds and scars wile twice daily massaging it.)
or /and Chinese Mint oil very cooling and refreshing... (to place/massage on pimples and infections.
Use also Colloidal Silver in a spray Bottle and apply on skin irritation .
Also good on combination is Tee three Oil…. GSE and coconut oil or Jojoba oils ….
If you are sirious interessted to try some of the products or need a full detailed diet recomentation on healing and cleansing foods feel free to ask...
We offer amazing wellness vacation packages
for you and your family to find a peaceful ...
"Get away to get well"
Chill out
and find the inner peace to
reconnect with mother nature !
Here is a place for you to
regain optimal health and beauty back!

If you have more question or need consultation via Email or Phone ....please ask me or
write to

HHP Sigrid Ribbe email:
Love and light to you for great health .... have a wonderful day
Sigrid Ribbe