Natural Healing ~ come and let us help you to activate /enable again your so powerful Self Healing!
Holistic Health Practitioner with a great passion to assist you to feel great by share here secret of "optimum health & natural healing"
Are you ready for your (may long time over due) "holistic total body make over" ?

My Name is Sigrid , single mom of three wonderful Girls 12, 19 and 27.
On my journey to health & wholeness I found the unexpected. .........
along with my natural enthusiasm for life, I found
My “Youthfulness” back.
Melanie, me and Nadine
We are originally from Germany where I started very early studied natural medicine with passion. In 1999 we decided to follow our hearts and choosed the tropical paradise Island of Jamaica to become our second home .
My youngest sweetheart already a conscious Health food chef "Nathalie"
My Story began In 1984, with my first pregnancy when I felt the tremendous responsibility for a new life growing inside my body.
My diet changed immediately and I started to study healthy living with Mother Nature’s healing Herbs.
A couple of years later the Chernobyl disaster occurred and we were suddenly at a loss as to what we should eat, since all fresh Foods could possibly be contaminated.
Two months later I suffered from itching eyes , kidney problems and other allergenic symptoms.
Many doctor visits, made me realize that they were clueless. While they experimented on me my conditions just got worse.
I had been healthy all my life, I just could not accept being sick. The solution to get my health back was clear to me

” I had do it my self.”
Seven years intensified research into allergies, food ingredients and chemical additives resulted in the development of a Healthy Gourmet food lifestyle.
Quickly and efficiently it reversed all my symptoms and enabled me to assist my Family and friends.
Inspired by real improvements I researched deeper and developed many excellent recipes excluding all possible allergens and chemical additives.
As my recipes got more delicious I opened a beautiful “Vital” Restaurant (first non smoking in Germany) incl. Consultation Office, Health Store & Convention center in 1997 .
As a Health Food specialist/chef and Health Consultant I specialized in the treatment of immune-system deficiencies, allergies, sinusitis, asthma, depression, rheumatism, arthritis, weight problems, nightmares, unnecessary sweating, early hair loss, skin fungus, heavy metal poisoning from mercury, chronic stomach ulcers, smoking, coffee addiction, craving for sweets just to mentioned a few.
Dramatic improvements to the health of most of my clients convinced me that I was on the right track., but the fact that some people appeared to be blocked from self healing led me to 7 successful years of exploration into Homeopathic medicine and Psycho somatic illnesses.
The Fact is that any true Happy Healthy and Good Shape Program requires self love.
The discipline preparing (or have someone preparing) your daily Energetic/FRESH MEALS and a combination of different Fun workouts (4 times weekly) is necessary.
For a proper functioning Immune system and Digestive system we need to focus on natural stimulants to detoxify our colon.
Note:That is the crucial key to keep our Skin clear, smooth and the body in perfect shape.
I had to find a way to assist people to open up and find back that urgently needed self love.
Many of us have lost our self esteem (ie.trusting our abilities) through a rough journey of many little (so called) failures.
Repeated blame and criticism from all sides in our childhood, (instead of understanding and supporting encouragement) can be clearly called a negative programming.
Although well-intentioned unconscious,impatient and overworked Parents and teachers have created often enough, that Lack of love and understanding.
That was enough to create in a child an unhappy and unloved environment.
I knew there must be a way to find that love back.
In 1998 I learned of Dr. Klinghard’s fabulous breakthrough technique of Psycho-Kinesiology.
I recognized the promise and potential in his revolutionary work .
Combining his work with my own therapy protocol created the missing link.: A release technique which finally enabled the process of self healing for my clients. I named this new 2.5 hour session “ REB (Releasing Emotional Blockages).”
I was truly grateful FOR Dr. Klinghard’s illuminating PK therapy.
It is based on Kinesiologic( muscle )testing’s , which I was already successful applying over many years on my clients.
To combine such efficient methods enables us to find the deep seated wounding in peoples childhood with ease. That was a crucial key to complete my work.
A Doctor I treated a couple of years ago told me that he is amazed by” the fact that this techniques can easily save a whole year of Psycho therapy”!
On the spiritual and emotional side we have now a truly holistic Wellness & Anti Aging program based on Bio-Energetic Alignment of mind, body & spirit.
On the physical side we have to support the Body with energetic live foods and many very interesting but relatively unknown nutritional sources that I have collected during my journey to wholeness.
Many Clients and myself are seeing benefits of abundant energy, health, happiness and a truly astounding discovery “ of Age reversing”
I am more active, feel happier and healthier for the past ten years than I felt twenty five years ago.
I feel very grateful and enjoy my now even more fulfilling work as a Holistic Health Practitioner on natural Cancer cures.
Developing Super Foods and amazing natural therapies which can be use to eliminate any ailment known or unknown to man.
I discovered for the past 35 years a wide variety of healing treasures which I apply in my healing protocols to help any person suffering regain energy and hope a few days.( recommended Optimal Health Therapies are between 7 weeks - 3 month)
In the last 11 years I have found here in Jamaica even more powerful super herbs and the amazing Noni Plant which I use in different forms and also produce a capsule with the dehydrated leave extract!
We creating in our little Harmony Gardens for the past 10 years :
- Herbal blends of the most health beneficial greens on earth ( capsules)
- Herbal Tonic's to detox any form of parasites & brain toxins
- Super healthy fruit juice combos/energy boosting drinks ( Green Bull)
- Natural side effect free Antibiotics / Future biotics
- Delicious Gourmet Vegetarian specialties / delicacies
- Raw food products ( All purpose raw seasonings with Himalayan crystals pepper sauce , and Moringa Super greens)
- Healing protocols for so called terminal ailments
- Detox programs from heavy metals and resistand parasites/fungus
- Amazing effective Anti- Aging Programs
- Weighloss programs that works (without starvations)!!
- My Vision is that we can soon produce and export 100 % natural and reasonable Health Products and wellness vecation packages
I love to share and my dream is to see my research and protocols and amazing healing treasure products being one day soon applied in a wonderful holistic Wellness Center which I invision as our Purple Gardens project started this year! .
And of my biggest wish is of course to help more people suffering with cancer .
There is too much suffering and early death in the world.
Everybody deserves to be healthy and able to realize their dreams.
Anyone is welcome to learn how to regain, maintain their health to feel younger and happier again, “ which we clearly all deserve”.
Sigrid Ribbe H.H..P.
If you want to uplift your life now ….. feel free to ask me how.
It is completely up to you NOW , to aim for happiness and Longevity.
You can remain feeling young and vibrant for the rest of your wonderful life .
If you are ready to let us work out your very personal perfect health protocol
email me @
or call me in Jamaica 876 299 07 33 or 876 953- 2593
or on the Magic jack Florida area code : 786 463 5189
Reach me on skype : Sigrid.Ribbe
join me of face book ( Sigrid Ribbe Gaffga )
or twitter
Love to hear from you
Labels: I just turned happy 50 ..... feeling great and fullfilled